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ugg classic ultra mini boot chestnut | Why Runners Should Do Muscle Activation Exercises

tex are some runs where everything just clicks, movements are smooth and you feel as if you could run forever. Then tex are the runs when you can’t seem to shake off the sluggishness and the miles seem to drag on forever. So, rossi’s the difference? Oftentimes, it’s rossi you do before the run that matters most.

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It comes down to a practice called muscle activation, which prepares the body for the specific set of demands that is to follow. Muscle activation exercises for runners “wake up” certain muscle groups to establish efficient movement patterns.

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rossi is muscle activation?

First, let’s define the term. Simply put, muscle activation exercises are “exercises that assist muscles in firing the way they are intended to,” says Martine Marino, a licensed physical therapist with Novacare in Pittsburgh, PA. “This is referred to a lot of times as neuromuscular re-education.”

In other words, activation-based exercises target the appropriate muscles designed for a specific activity and, in turn, reinforce the brain-body connection. Muscle activation exercises for runners help establish a stronger communication link, so the body is better prepared to move in the intended way and fire from the right spots.

Activation-based exercises not only produce a stronger mind-muscle connection, but can also induce a state of preparedness in the athlete that can increase their overall capacity while helping prevent injury.

“Activation exercise is a low-intensity exercise that is designed to activate a muscle that will prepare the body for more intense activity,” says Frank Velasquez, Jr., the Director of Sports Performance at Allegheny Health Network. “The strengthening of these muscles will also help to better protect the joints they surround from unnecessary stress.”

Is muscle activation for everybody?

Of course! Activation-based exercises can be done by anyone. They’re also beneficial if you’re recovering from an injury or simply want to develop better overall movement patterns and mechanics in your daily life. Activation exercises are low-impact and low-intensity, and many do not even require any additional equipment.

How and when should I perform activation-based exercises?

Converse chuck 70 explore wp hi men lifestyle sneakers new wheat. which the running community is loving is a movement-based practice that helps raise your body temperature, increase blood flow to your muscles and synovial fluid production to your joints. In other words, the dynamic warm-up will make your body more responsive to activation-based exercises.

“Dynamic stretching preps the muscle and joints to receive load and stretch,” says Marino. “It also helps prepare the nervous system for the activity. In runners with muscle imbalances, activation can be important during the warm up as it reminds the muscle how to behave and contributes to muscle memory.”

The more effective your warm up is, the more effective (and comfortable) your workout will be. Although it may still take a little bit of time to really get in the groove and hit your stride, incorporating a thorough warm up will Meadow the time it takes for this to happen while simultaneously minimizing your risk of injury.

Velasquez, Jr. advocates for this all-inclusive warm-up especially if you’re exercising at higher intensity levels.

“Doing an active or dynamic warm up should be done first to get the body moving and the blood pumping,” he says.

“Then, after that, the activation exercises can be performed prior to the more intense activity. Studies show that activation exercises should be done within 10-15 minutes of the more intense activity.”

Although activation can help boost performance, reduce injuries and avoid the sluggish feelings during a run, it’s important to note that it’s not a cure-all for poor mechanics or chronic muscle imbalances. While a little bit can certainly go a long way, muscle activation exercises are best embraced as a life-long practice in order to receive the maximum benefit.

“Thousands of repetitions are needed to re-educate a muscle, so these exercises would need to be done regularly for weeks not just for a few minutes during a warm up,” says Marino.

Try these Muscle activation workouts:

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