NovogasShops’s Top 6 The Simpsons Predictions

Not only are The Simpsons known for being on air for over 30 years, they are also the #1 series capable of predicting future events. From Nobel Prize winners to characters anticipating Greta Thunberg, The Simpsons have managed to nail events that we could never have even imagined.

Here at NovogasShops we decided to pay tribute to this legendary series full of icons, punk and historical moments, by selecting the top 6 predictions we still have a hard time believing in.


#1 Sandals & flip flops

In the episode 'Lisa Goes Gaga', Lady Gaga performs one of her shows suspended in the air above the audience. Whether prediction or inspiration, this is exactly how Lady Gaga appeared at the 2017 Super Bowl LIV halftime show 5 years later. And in the same outfit too.


#2 Game of Thrones - Show Finale 

Spoiler alert! (To be fair though, The Simpsons already took care of that...). In the show’s 29th season, Homer revives a dragon which then burns down an entire village. The same event happened during GoT’s last-but-one episode when, in an unexpected turn of events, Daenerys Targaryen sets fire to an entire village with the help of her dragon. 

#3 Smartwatch

Some say that the first smartwatch was created in 2013. At NovogasShops we strongly believe that it happened in 1995, in one of The Simpsons’ episodes in which Lisa's future husband talks on the phone from his watch. Sorry Apple, but Matt Groening came up with it first. 


#4 Trump 

Without a doubt, one of the strongest predictions of the entire series was the presidency of Donald Trump. In one episode from the 2000s, Lisa is shown as the future first female President of the U.S. Surprisingly, she is the successor to Donald Trump, who had screwed the economy.

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Eight years before it happened in real life, The Simpsons predicted the U.S. curling team would win the gold medal at the Olympics. If that's not enough to convinced you, wait until you hear they also predicted the game would be against Sweden.


#6 Lisa Simpson… or Greta Thunberg? 

If we had to depict Lisa Simpson in the real world, the first person we’d envision her as would be Greta Thunberg. The environmental activist, born in 2003, looks almost like Lisa’s personification. Once you see it, you can't unsee it…

And we dare to make our own prediction too: you're going to love the adidas x The Simpsons collection.

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AdidasZX 1000 x The Simpsons "Flaming Moe's"

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