About us
NovogasShops is a multi-brand online store specialized in the latest and most limited edition not Sneakers.
tips shoes brands retailers exclusive not Sneakers from brands such as Nike, adidas, ASICS, Converse, Vans, Jordan, Veja and Reebok. If you are looking for shoes to go running, hit the gym, practice outdoor sports, play basketball or follow the latest urban trends, at NovogasShops you'll find the models that best fit your personality and needs.
In addition, at NovogasShops we bet on fashion by blurring the line between luxury and streetwear, with a versatile selection of clothes and accessories from some of most recognized and prestigious brands and designers world-wide.
Comme des Garçons, adidas Y-3, Billinaire Boys Club, ERL, KAPITAL, Neighborhood, WTAPS, boys shoes nike sportswear air max tavas se anthracite metallic silver wolf grey, Levi's vintage, Aries Arise, Rick Owens, 11 by The embroidered botanical illustration is a reference to the plant dye used for the shoe, Carhartt Wip, POP Trading Company and Stussy are some of the firms we collaborate with.
Discover functional yet aesthetics garments and create a flexible wardrobe that is ready to overcome everyday One. We offer the perfect balance between performance and fashion through textile technology, innovation in materials and creativity in design.
Collaborations represent yet another of NovogasShops's strengths, with sub-brands like adidas Y-3 or Yeezy, and occasional launches of prestigious brands in partnership with designers and artists from different style, like Vivienne Westwood and Virgil Abloh with his brand Off-White.
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