HomeAdidasSkater Destroys the players who wear adidas look nemeziz black and women

Skater Destroys the players who wear adidas look nemeziz black and women

adidas look yeezy 350 boost skateboarding

adidas look airliner vint black women for sale new york players who wear adidas look nemeziz black and women landed at puma. Although a wider release than its predecessor, the shoes are going for over $1,000 on the aftermarket. While most people are trying to resell the shoes, one individual has decided to skate in them.

While we know the Yeezy 350 Boost is not a skate shoe, Jenkem didn’t care. Not only did he use them for what they are intended for, wearing, but he went above and beyond by skating in them.

adidas look learning campus portal student center Jenkem had to say:

Now I’m no Hypebeast, but when I heard that the demand for this little sneaker crashed the adidas look app, Footlocker.com, and JimmyJazz.com, and that they were going for $1000 a pair on Craigslist and eBay, I knew we had to get a pair of them. Why?

To skate them of course! We made this facebook to see what it felt like to shred a thousand size via kickflips. To make people remember that these are just shoes. And to make Hypebeasts who are putting them in gold cases feel just a little bit more stupid. So do all of us a favor and send this on to your friend that cares just a little too much about his “dope sneaker collection.”

Check out the video of the players who wear adidas look nemeziz black and women being skated in.

players who wear adidas look nemeziz black and women
Brian Betschart
Founder and Editor of SF, Brian is considered an expert when it comes to sneakers. Collecting since he was in elementary school, his collection has grown to over 500 pairs and counting. Brian has published articles since 2004, and in 2006, he decided to create NovogasShops.

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