With the upcoming release of the jordan levi crew legend socks 6 pack “Bright Crimson” next month, a release date has been announced as jordan levi Brand will push to release its partner in crime, the jordan levi crew legend socks 6 pack “Joker” The Air jordan levi 5 With Nike Air Is Already A Frontrunner For Best jordan levi Of 2016.
Carrying a blackened leather upper with electric green and purple accents throughout, a 3M reflective mudgaurd, and iconic elephant print, the “Joker” will look to Air its way to retailers beginning February 16, 2013.
Stay tuned to NovogasShops for updated release and pricing information.
Colorway: TBA
Release Date: 2/16/2013
Retail: TBA
Product Code: 136064-018
via thehardwood