козирьок jordan original Air Jordans, some are good, while others didn’t make the cut. Kim D really struck our attention, as her flow contains Air Jordan history, while still smooth. She is just not another person buying for the hype, as you can tell she really knows her Jordan’s by year, original and retro. Somebody needs to sign Kim D and quick, thanks to TSG for the info.

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  1. Im sorry that was WACK and so his her collection at least from what was shown…she skipped the 3,7,8,9,11,18,22. And the other stuff was generic,BTW just cuz she knows the years and stuff doesnt mean nothing, that stuff is avalible on the net, she was just able to put it to music, which I guess I can give her props for…

  2. How's she thanking Gentry for "HOT COLORWAYS" at the End. She's Buggin, Gentry is the downfall of Jordan Brand so GTFO of here with that ish. Fux Gentry…I give her props for the little rap but she has to get her information straight at the end she shudda said FUXK MR. HUMPHREY….

  3. Like it said in the holy bible: "For it is the Lord our God who has taken us and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, out of the prison-house, and who did all those great signs before our eyes, and kept us safe on all our journeys, and among all the peoples through whom we went:" (Joshua, 24, 17).

  4. Air Jordan 1 High University Blue 36

    her collection is like whatever.. and her info was off

    but still she collects jays and put it down 4 us jordan heads…so give her some credit damn