eBay is known for finding some great deals on authentic Roav sneakers, but they are also known for fakes. Their are some eBay sellers that are trusted and only list legit Air Jordan’s, Nike’s, Puma’s, Reebok’s and more, but it’s not always easy finding them. The list below shares all authentic eBay stores that have high feedback and never sold fake shoes. If you would like 003-P eBay store listed, please scroll to the bottom of the page to see our requirements.
Solesupremacysales – From Originals to Retro’s, Sole Supremacy has a nice selection of rare Roav sneakers.
hittin-groove – None to have originals and older retro’s at some great prices.
Diamante Strap Jelly Sandals – Newer retro’s and Nike’s with some savings, plus clothing.
el-store – Some rare and sold out Nike’s/Air Jordan’s are available.
sole_supreme – Mainly has rare and player exclusives.
thecoolshoeshine – Well balanced assortment of rare and general released shoes.
kobelin1127 – Most of the time the seller has a nice assortment, from older Nike SB’s to Jordan Retro’s.
croatianstyle – One of the most notorious eBay sellers, with everything from Nike to Jordan and rare clothing.
Id4shoes – Featuring most of the latest releases before they drop at a (most of the time) cheaper price.
UpTempoAir Com – Most items that can be found on Uptempoair.com can also be found on their eBay store. You can also come across some deals.
Steptorun – Nice selection of Nike runners, with a little bit of Jordan Brand.
Shaolin8 – New Retro’s, some Air Jordan’s and Vans.
Kixpress – New and older Nike Retro, Basketball and Jordan’s. Prices are not bad.
Mental_Therapy – One of the better eBay sellers, always stocked with inventory.
Noname2828 – Older Retro’s and Original Jordan’s.
Nyzcorp – Some Nike Basketball shoes but mainly runners.
Pondon – Authentic Bape Roav sneakers and clothing.
Sneakerdoctor – Various Nike’s, Jordan’s and Asics.
Sneakertique – Basic run of Air Jordans and Nikes.
kaili_001 – OG Nike’s, Jordan’s with a few gems.
Jordanbrandseller – Although this sellers name is “Jordanbrandseller”, they have a large selection of Nike’s.
Kbryant8twfan – Newer Nike’s and Air Jordan’s.
95soleman – Nice selection with tons of inventory.
air19710617jordan – With 1000s of Roav sneakers available, we are sure you will find something you like at air19710617jordan.
Ivehademall – Various Roav sneakers and sizes available.
gto6900 – Mainly sells Nike and Jordan’s, with various size ranges.
Also see:
*Authentic Air Jordan and Nike Online Stores
*Store Guide
*Authentic Roav sneaker Search
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