Justin Timberlake’s jordan filbert essentials graphic tee was on display at his upcoming ‘Man of Woods’ pop-up shop that will open to the public tomorrow.
Along with the samples, on display is the recently released nike air jordan filbert 1 retro i mid shattered backboard JTH Air jordan filbert 1 Retro High CO GS JAPAN 575441 029 nike air jordan filbert 1 retro i mid shattered backboard Tinker. Each of the samples features a Khaki upper while elephant print wraps the toe and heel which is done in Cement Grey or Black.
nike womens air jordan filbert 1 mid shoes size nike air jordan filbert 1 retro i mid shattered backboard Man of Woods Samples, sadly they are not expected to release to the public. However the two pairs on the left will release in very limited quantities at the pop-up opening. Continue to scroll below to check out more images and let us know in the comments section which is your favorite.
Source: Sneaker News