Nike 2009 Preview

cheap mens nike kd 5 premiere Nike has planned for 2009? Here’s a look at a few different models including the Dunk High, Low, and Blazer Low. It appears that Nike boys focus on the use of different patterns and color-ways as opposed to the more simple approach they have taken on this year. It looks like a promising early preview, we can only imagine what else they are holding out on.

Nike 2009 Preview
Nike 2009 Preview

Nike 2009 Preview
Nike 2009 Preview

Nike 2009 Preview
Nike 2009 Preview

Nike 2009 Preview
Nike 2009 Preview

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  1. It looks like 2009 would B a better year 4 Nike. This year, it was kinda weak-sauce except 4 the re-release of the Pippens & the Penny IIs.

  2. those black premiere purple lows r fresh.. n those lime green n black highs. doin betta then sb hah

  3. Amazing point you display in your post. i boys definately write about these in my final year thesis at university.