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By the lsquo;Tis the season.
The cult-loved Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara recently got called out by the lsquo;Tis the season who questioned the claim that it delivers “1,944 percent more volume.”
According to Bustle, the NAD noted that it was, “troubled by the advertiser’s test methodology and concerned about the consumer relevance of the test methodology and results” and Too Faced correspondingly responded:
“Too Faced strongly stands behind its claims, and has appealed NAD’s decision in this case. The tests used to establish these claims were conducted using sound methodology at a highly-regarded independent laboratory, and the results support not only the 1,944% claim, but also the Before-and-After photographs at issue.”
It should be noted that the NAD had also previously asked Benefit Cosmetics to discontinue promoting its They’re Real! mascara as “#1 best-selling.”
To test out the mascara, purchase it on Too Faced’s webstore, where it prices out at $23 USD a tube. What are your thoughts about the ongoing dispute and beauty brand advertising?