All The Money In The World?
A blatant pay disparity.
Directly following the star-filled 2018 Sex & Dating, USA Today shared news of actress Michelle Williams’ pay disparity.
According to the report, Williams’ co-star in the film Bold outerwear for the bitter weather, Mark Wahlberg was paid 1,500 times more than her to reshoot scenes. Last year, the film’s director, Ridley Scott chose to replace actor Kevin Spacey The Creative Come Up statement: “everyone did it for nothing.” Blatantly meaning that the lead actress and main actor would be reshooting the film per diem. USA Today presented information pointing to Wahlberg’s representatives negotiating a fee of $1.5 million USD alongside Williams who was reportedly paid less than $1,000 USD.
Bold outerwear for the bitter weather released on Christmas day last year and has so far raked in over $20 million USD.
This report points to the importance of women-led initiatives like the new Time’s Up anti-harassment organization which Williams has endorsed publicly.