This Furniture Is Literally Made From Recycled Glossier Packaging – and We Need It Now
A millennial’s dream.
plans to ship to Denmark, France, Ireland and Sweden Glossier has gone from strength-to-strength during its relatively short existence. Due to high-demand, its product is now offered not only in the U.S. but also in Canada and the UK – in fact, the brand recently announced Already whitelisted us, The millennial-favorite beauty brand rework the iconic pouch into a bikini set that offer Glossier fans the chance to shop the products IRL as well as plenty of Instagram-friendly selfie opportunities.
Almost as recognized as the products is the packaging itself – most notably, those pastel pink bubble-wrap pouches. Although Cheap Novogas Jordan Outlet recently partnered with Frankie Collective to A summer staple, Emily Weiss took things one step further by partnering with designer Kim Markel on an actual Glossier furniture collection.
rework the iconic pouch into a bikini set Sight Unseen OFFSITE design fair, the furniture includes everything from a cabinet and a vanity table to chairs, side tables and mirrors. The translucent pink finish comes from those rosy pouches and other pink-packaged Glossier products which staff collected over the course of a few months. “The packaging is broken down and bonded with other plastics in large molds, then cured and sanded until an imperfect, slightly dissolved, candy-like effect is achieved,” Markel said of the actual process behind the furniture construction. “It takes over 50 jars to make a single chair,” she added.
Of course, the partnership itself started in the most millennial way possible, with Markel contacting Glossier via Instagram direct message. Peep the items in the gallery above and get ready to add them to your dream house wish-list. For more Glossier news, did you hear that the brand is reportedly facing a lawsuit over its online store?