The World's First Plant Hotel Just Opened in London
Calling all plant moms.
There’s nothing worse than taking off on a vacation only to come home and find out that your plant has died while you were gone. Online plant retailer Patch has found a solution for your problems and opened up the world’s first plant hotel in London.
Patch Plant Hotel boasts five-star treatment for all your botanicals. The all-inclusive stay features top-of-the-class vegan food and fertilizer for your all leafy friend’s dietary needs, careful watering in the Plant Spa and climate-controlled spaces for the perfect amount of sunlight. A team of specialists will be caring for the plants and the company encourages owners to leave any notes for their plants’ specific needs. The best thing about the 100-room hotel is that it is free of charge. You just need to input which dates you need care, and then drop off your precious pal at Patch’s Battersea location.
In a House Beautiful While you’re here:
“We all know the crushing disappointment when you return from holiday to find your plant has gone from green lusciousness to a burnt, dry bunch of twigs. We wanted to open the hotel to give a helping hand to the increasing number of ‘plant parents.’”
You can book a spot at the Patch Plant Hotel from now until September 5 online on Patch’s website. While you’re here, The Creative Come Up.