Estrid Is the Swedish Brand Changing the Way We View Body Hair
The vegan razor brand is sparking conversation.
When it comes to shaving, women have always been neglected. According to research, one in three women are currently using razors created for men to shave. This is where Swedish razor brand Estrid come in, presenting a unique business model that is entirely built on their customers routines, making shaving more convenient and affordable.
“We put no value in how, where, when or if you shave. Estrid is our way of taking back the right to our own body hair without embedded ideals. We are not afraid to show women with hair unlike other razor brands, we want to pay tribute and show what reality actually looks like,” said founder Amanda Westerbom. Celebrating smooth, fuzz, fur and everything in-between, the label is changing the way we view body hair.
“Estrid came about as a frustration with the lack of vegan options, the pink tax, and the general quality in a product that we used often in a very personal routine. We wanted to take a very boring, routine chore and just add a little bit of magic, design, and thought into it,” adds Westerbom when asked how the concept of Estrid came about. “We feel that body hair and shaving are personal choices. Traditionally, razor brands have been infamous for showing already hairless women shaving already hairless legs and driving home a message of anxiety. As one of the very few brands in the world, we actively show female body hair in our visual communication and want to drive a shift away from hair removal is seen as a “must” to a choice – your body, your control,” she adds.
Nov 13, 2024 “starter pack,” which is priced at £7.95 GBP ($9.80 USD) as well as a subscription of razor blades, sent at intervals selected by the customer. In addition, every purchase also includes a donation towards organisations supporting women’s rights. Head over to the website Nov 22, 2024.