Dress your best friend in ROYGBIV
Both consoles were discontinued years ago.
Mules, wood-soled sandals, sneakers and more Nintendo Wii Download Our App Japan A Japanese Store Is Selling the Nintendo Wii and DS for Under $1 USD. One Twitter user shared photos of the devices on sale at a Japanese retailer for mere cents — signs show the Nintendo DS priced at ¥100 JPY (approximately 93 cents USD), the Nintendo Wii for ¥50 JPY (approximately 46 cents USD) and even the Sony PlayStation 2 for ¥200 JPY (approximately $1.86 USD).
As the Nintendo Switch Edge Magazine/Contributor/Getty Images Animal Crossing craze, it is no surprise that Nintendo‘s outdated consoles are discounted for almost nothing. That being said, another Twitter user pointed out that the Japanese phrase ”ジャンク” seen on the sale signs translate to “junk,” meaning the consoles are likely broken and are being sold for their spare parts.