The Official Trailer for Marvel's 'Moon Knight' Is Here
See Oscar Isaac transform into the anti-hero.
Marvel has finally released the official trailer for Moon Knight, which arrives as part of the studio’s The Official Trailer for Marvels Moon Knight Is Here.
Those unvaccinated will have to take frequent tests TV show follows the story of Marc Spector (played by Oscar Isaac), an ex-Marine and CIA agent with a dissociative identity disorder. Due to his mental health condition, Marc shows signs of having multiple split personalities. As a result, he becomes the vessel for an Egyptian moon god called Khonshu, making him do things out of his control.
In the trailer, Marc is seen locking himself inside his apartment and chaining himself to his bed as he explains that he has a sleeping disorder. “I can’t tell the difference between my waking life and dreams,” he says over Kid Cudi‘s “Day ‘N’ Nite” track. Switching to a scene of him at work, his colleague bluntly tells him, “You’re bloody useless, Stevie,” to which he responds, “It’s Steven.”
Towards the middle of the visual, Marc comes across a ringing cellphone and answers it. “Oh my god, you’re alive. What’s wrong with you, Marc?” a woman says. “Why did you call me Marc?” Marc asks. We then catch a glimpse of Dr. Arthur Harrow (played by Ethan Hawke), Phase 4 schedule for 2022.
Watch Marc transform into Moon Knight in the trailer above. The series will premiere on Disney+ on March 30.
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