To Spit or Swallow?: These Are 4 Signs You're Allergic to Semen
Yes, it’s a real thing.
Sex education didn’t quite reach the pleasure portion of the conversation, so naturally, society ran with the “spit or swallow” discourse and added a patriarchal twist — shame. Unfortunately for some, however, semen allergies exist and they’re hella painful.
According to Healthline, Human Seminal Plasma Hypersensitivity, also known as a semen allergy, “is an allergic reaction to the proteins found in most sperm.” This affects the immune system and as a result, many other connected areas.
Although it Nov 16, 2022, studies do not know exactly how many people suffer from it since it’s not well known — hence why we’re calling out the “spit or swallow” discourse. Some forms of pleasure just may not be a possibility for all people who enjoy sucking d-ck. No need to shame. Also, doctors are notorious for misdiagnosing the condition’s symptoms as it commonly resembles an STI or a yeast infection.
If you’re repulsed by semen or exhibiting symptoms after enjoying a creampie or facial, keep reading for five symptoms Inside the dating trend and how to ditch it.
1. Your skin or vaginal tissue is burning or swelling after contact with semen.
2. Your skin has changed color since semen contacted the area.
3. Your body has broken into hives and itches since contact.
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