Get Ready for June's Strawberry Super Moon
Check out your sign’s horoscope here.
Summer is starting off with a cosmic bang as June’s full moon on the 14th delivers a strawberry super moon in Sagittarius.
If the fateful alliteration wasn’t enough of a clue, this full moon is the perfect opportunity to look to the celestial planet for divine inspiration. The fiery Sagittarius is known for its free spirit and truly unique and charismatic personality. It’s no wonder Euphoria’s Alexa Demie claims it as her sun sign. In conjunction with Saturn’s retrograde in Aquarius, this is the time to imitate the zodiac’s idealistic bring your own personal utopia to fruition and set a plan to realize your innermost desires.
PATET’s Stairway to Manifestation is the perfect kit for setting full moon intentions. Equipped with ritual guides for the morning and night, alongside powerful amethyst crystals, Palo Santo and Caitlin Cady’s Heavily Meditated guide book, the Stairway to Manifestation kit has everything you need to supercharge this month’s super moon.
Keep reading for your zodiac sign’s horoscope for June’s strawberry super moon.
La luna falls in your ninth house of philosophy and greater wisdom, urging you to reflect and think deeply before taking a big step. Take your time and don’t rush. What’s meant for you is already on its way.
The full moon falls in your eighth house of sex and change. The eighth house is also thought to represent death and resurrection, offering the bull the opportunity to evaluate what’s going well and what’s not working in their life. It’s time to shed the dead weight.
The moon cycle began with a new moon in the twins, creating a nice celestial circle for you. With the strawberry super moon in your seventh house of relationships, take care to communicate effectively and honestly when it comes to those close to your heart.
Healthy girl summer will be the crab’s mantra for the next two weeks as the full moon rests in your sixth house of health. Establish a realistic routine that energized you and is easy to integrate into your day-to-day without overloading.
June’s full moon is situated in your fifth house of creativity, adding extra fuel to your already bright nature. Use this time to set intentions towards what you want to accomplish by the new moon.
The super moon is placed in your fourth house, which represents all things in the domestic sphere. Use this new celestial cycle to take stock of your environment, as well as your inner home and the thoughts that rule them.
The zodiac’s mediator will feel right at home as the full moon is in your third house of community. As a social sign, use this as your cue to gather with friends for your own makeshift moon ritual.
With June’s full moon sitting in your second house of money. The next two weeks allow you to take a deep breath as we close out this lunar chapter. As Scorpios are intense and introspective by nature, this is the perfect time to invest in yourself and safeguard your material and spiritual self.
As this is the only full moon in your sign, this cycle is all about you. Falling in your first house of identity, channel this abundance of cosmic energy into manifesting and affirming your best self.
Lying in your 12th house of endings, the strawberry full moon gives you permission to rest. Create a soul-nourishing practice that gives you the tools to fill your cup.
Shining in your 11th house of dreams and networking, it’s natural if you’re feeling like a social butterfly around this time. Tread lightly and watch any sudden feelings of negativity as Saturn is in retrograde in your sign until October.
This month’s full moon is in your 10th house of career, shifting your attention to your reputation and path towards success. Given that the moon is near the end of its cycle, this is not the time to start anything new, but a time to turn inwards and reflect.