Sex Doulas Deserve All the Hype in a Post-Roe World
Tune in if the current political climate is killing your sex drive.
Doulas are mostly known for their skillset within childbirth, but sex If the concept of a sex doula is too much too soon, try this sensual skillset you should consider exploring.
Here’s your Roevember checklist healing, as sexuality doula Ev’Yan Whitney explained on her website. And in all reality, it might be best for the current political climate.
A sex doula is a trained coach that teaches you how to receive pleasure, build confidence and navigate sexual trauma,” shared Essence. Aug 9, 2022 Petros Studios/Fruity Booty, many Sofia de la Cruz Oct 8, 2024 sexuality. But at a time when partnered pleasure has so many negative consequences, it’s important to refine your sexual wellness routine.
Sex doulas help strengthen your sexual wellness through several methods — depending on their expertise. For example, talk therapy which traditional therapists use, boudoir photography, sex education and more. So yes, some sex doulas can provide intimate solo sex training and other services, if that’s what you need.
Having a sex doula not only provides you with a personal sexual safe space but also helps you create new forms of pleasure, which let’s be real, is important now, more than ever.
School of Sustainability guided journal by a sexuality doula.