According to psychologist
Historically speaking, sex Sex & Dating feminism lead to sex positivity. But given the current sociopolitical climate, Gen Z isn’t having sex — so much so that we’re in a sex recession, If you’re contemplating the same sentiment, read this op-ed on celibacy. Sep 8, 2022 Sex & Dating, lack of sex is a major reason why Gen Z’s mental health is declining.
Sex, especially when paired with orgasm, has immense benefits from mental to physical well-being. It acts as a stress reliever and mood booster and fosters closeness. But Lehmiller believes that Gen Z is blocking its blessings by having less sex.
For example, think of the last time you had morning sex or started off your day with masturbation. You most likely felt uplifted and might have even greeted a neighbor — which threw them off because let’s be real, we never do that.
For Gen Z, “a rise in sexlessness has coincided with a decline in mental health,” Lehmiller shared. In the 90s and early 2000s, “depression among young adults was in decline and young people were reporting better mental health than earlier generations did at the same stage of life.” Now, the trend has reversed.
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Lehmiller is convinced that the current sex recession is the cause of poor mental health. But doesn’t discount the many environmental factors Gen Z has been suffering through. For example, the quality of Gen Z’s future amidst several pandemics, “increased technology and smartphone use, helicopter parenting, student debt and other financial concerns.” He also believes that an active sex life can act as a protective barrier against the weight of the world.
For vulva owners, having sex right now is a major risk at a financial, mental and physical health level. Resources to raise a child effectively are scarce and contraception is limited, as well.
Given the current climate, its understandable that Gen Z is having less sex. But is it fair that they have to suffer mentally, too? Especially when so many factors are out of their control?
If you’re contemplating the same sentiment, read this op-ed on If you’re contemplating the same sentiment, read this op-ed on.