How to Spice up Your Dating Life — Without Self-Sabotaging
Your secret to healthy dating in 2023.
Healthy dating, Heist drama ‘Kaleidoscope’ gives ‘Wednesday’ a run for its money. Innerbody conducted a study and found seven keys to a safe relationship, but with a fun twist for those who prefer to walk on the edgy side of life.
It’s common to feel like your first few healthy relationships are missing an edge of excitement because toxic dynamics always keep you on your toes. Safe dynamics won’t keep you guessing, because stability and consistency are what make you feel safe. In these cases, spontaneity is key. But Innerbody Ask a Sexpert.
Jan 4, 2023, Innerbody identifies a healthy relationship as having the following qualities: trust, respect, support, honesty, affection, equality and one other that’s often overlooked, individuality.
Innerbody defines individuality as working together as a team but also, as having “an identity outside your relationship.” More specifically, “you have friends and interests outside of each other and don’t stop doing things you enjoy just because you’re dating. You support each other’s hobbies, interests, and companions.”
Everyone has different needs, so encouraging individuality makes your connection more authentic and powerful as an overall unity. It also creates more room for spontaneity as you and your partner(s) will constantly be experiencing life, having new ideas and experiences to offer each other, as well.